Kolejnych 50 szczęśliwców zawita na Steamie

Firma Valve ujawniła kolejnych 50 gier i programów, które uzyskały „zielone światło” w ramach programu Steam Greenlight.

Pełna lista tytułów prezentuje się następująco:

* AIDA64 Extreme
* Anarchy Arcade
* Astral Terra
* Astrobase Command
* Black Fire
* Bliss
* Breach & Clear
* Bullet Bros
* Crying is not Enough
* Dark Horizons: Mechanized Assault Vehicle
* Depression Quest
* Dollhouse: Room 1313
* Earth: Year 2066
* Ethan: Meteor Hunter
* EVGA Precision X
* Farm for your Life
* FPS Creator Reloaded
* From The Depths
* Hand of Fate
* Helicopter Simulator: Search and Rescue
* Highland Wars
* Interplanetary
* Kill Them All
* Ku: Shroud of the Morrigan
* Lambda Wars
* Last Dream
* Lili
* MANOS: The Hands of Fate
* Marvin’s Mittens
* nKPro Racing
* One Way Heroics
* Paranormal State: Poison Spring
* Photo Blend 3D
* Procyon
* Reallusion CrazyTalk7
* Shadowgate
* Spark Rising
* Spate
* Steam Squad
* Subject 9
* Tangiers
* The 7th Guest 3: The Collector
* The Memory of Eldurîm
* The Note
* The Repopulation
* The Town Of Light
* Treasure Adventure World
* Windforge
* X-Plane 10

"Sarge" - GRY-OnLine

2014-01-08 13:48:53